Monday, July 9, 2007

My First Day


The trip begins. The flight was one of the easiest I have ever taken. After countless trips to Singapore, I’ve become accustomed to the long plane rides but after the GA to LA trip (6 hours) and the LA to Sydney trip (13+ hours) there was no additional 7 hour trip to Singapore so I was thrilled!! I slept the entire way and didn’t get to see any of the 8 movies I had picked out in the flight entertainment book. Oh well.

I touched down in Sydney at 7:30am and got all of my luggage right away – no problem. Phew! After breezing through customs I was greeted by a cheery Bel and Rich (even though I made them wake up at the butt crack of dawn to pick me up from the airport). The sight-seeing commenced immediately as we headed to the Sydney Opera House and Harbor Bridge to have a look around. Syndey was just waking up as we strolled around and got a few morning pictures. After that we drove over to Manly Beach for some brunch by the ocean at a cozy little café call The Bower. It’s about 2 blocks from my place and right on the ocean!

After brunch we hung we took a driving tour up the coast North of Curl Curl which is where Bel and Rich live to waste time until we could move into my place. There is a path right by my apartment (where The Bower is) that runs all the way up the coast for miles and miles – I hope to get out to this path a few times to train for the 9k race Bel and I are doing in August.. gulp!

Finally we move into my apartment and it’s pretty cute. I do have a washer but no dryer and the cutest little dishwasher you’ve ever seen. There is a community dryer so I won’t have to hang-dry everything. Bel and Rich left me to shower and move in but we met up again for dinner straight afterwards. It gets dark here by 5:30pm!!! I could hardly believe it. We went out for a quick drink at a swanky little bar by my place and then out for a celebratory Thai feast! I ended up staying up until 9p with no problems at all. I don’t think I am going to get any jetlag at all. I slept all night with no problems and haven’t been tired yet to day. I love it! We did discover that the landlord gave us the wrong address so if I already passed it on to you - please note the change!

Unit 46 (not 49 like we originally thought)
69 Addison Road
Manly NSW 2095

That was my first exciting day. Don’t worry - this won’t be a day by day account of my life – just
the exciting stuff. I met the whole office today and everyone is super nice. I will start prepping for my first program in Dandenong (suburb of Melbourne) later today and then I am on my way! I’ll post pictures of the view from the office later – it’s pouring rain today so you can’t see much.



rlambert2 said...

Wow, I love the apartment. It's very cute. I'm glad you didn't lose your luggage or anything. I was actually thinking about that, knowing full well of your traveling history. Keep us updated, and take lots of pictures. Miss you already!

dutchesscourtney said...

So glad to see you're alive and well in one of my favorite cities!! I want to visit...thanks for including so many pictures - it makes things very real. I'll try and link you soon on my blog.

Jax said...

HMMMM those candies look very suspicious---like TIM TAMS!!! you must bring some back with you, or I will inform U.S. Customs NOT to let you back:)

Michael Cooper said...

Hi fellow exchanger! Looks like you're having a blast! And already hitting all the hot spots. Look forward to seeing more.

Sara said...

What fun! Looks like the office staff threw you a party in your honor! I'm a bit jealous, I must say about the whole traveling abroad thing. I'll just live vicariously through your blog... It looks beautiful and your apartment is cute. Can't wait to see more!