Sunday, September 9, 2007

Reconnecting with Nature

As I entered a few important dates into my Outlook calendar the other day, I suddenly realized "Holy Crap! I only have 3 weekends left!" This came as a surprise for me as I was just coasting along - enjoying the days and weekends as they passed by. Well - not anymore! I had to take a good look at my To Do list and start making some serious progress! First on the list (recommended by just about everyone I came across in Manly) was a stroll through the Sydney Harbor National Park aka North Head. The same comments resounded with each recommendation, "the views are amazing!"

The walk to the park from my apartment is about 15 minutes and there isn't much to the park until you get to the main attraction (which are the cliffs!) As I walked through I was hopeful that I would some across some endangered bandicoots but to no avail. All I found was this mouse! But at the time, I couldn't really remember what a bandicoot looked like, so I snapped a picture just in case. Stupid mouse!

The views from the cliffs are magnificent! Extremely dramatic in every regard! The entire experience was dramatic actually - as I headed out on my walking tour I knew that I was playing with fire or I should really say water. The ominous clouds did not lie as they unleashed their fury right as I reached the cliffs. Luckily, there happened to be this tiny concrete hut (the only shelter, period, for quite some time) right there. I dipped in to the hut to hold out for clear skies with 4 other soaked tourists. When the clouds parted the sun came out and it was a beautiful afternoon from there on out.

As I headed back to town, I suddenly saw this little path almost covered by brush. I decided to continue my adventure and headed down the path for a little exploration. By the time I came to the end, I saw it was well worth the very muddy trek down. I came to some gorgeous cliffs not guarded by safety fences or walkways. Yes, very smart seeing as I was by myself! But I did manage to get some amazing shots! I didn't dangle my feet over the edge or anything so I figured I played it pretty safe. :)

So, that's one more thing to strike off the list. I still hope to do some kayaking around Manly and get to Hunter Valley for some wine tasting! Time is of the essence!



Zadius Sky said...

I really enjoy your post, especially the pictures. They are quite beautiful. =)

dutchesscourtney said...

Get thee to the Hunter Valley - and bring a bottle to Dubai when you come in December.