Monday, September 24, 2007

Reunion In Sydney - 15 Years in the Making...

I just had to write about the most unexpected and amazing reunion I've ever experienced and it all happened yesterday. A little background:

As you may know, I grew up in Singapore and as a result, made friends from all over the globe. One such friend was Henry Armstrong (seen here at Max's birthday party with sister Westerly) - a Singapore born Aussie that lived in the same condos as I did. Henry and I became fast friends and played together all the time. Some of my fondest childhood memories are running around our complex playing made up games, swimming in the pool and going on mini-adventures around the island together. It was a sad day when Henry and I had to say good-bye.

Ever since that time, I've kept Henry in the back of my mind, always curious as to where in the world he might be. I hadn't assumed that he would be in Australia at all - seeing as most people leave Singapore and head off in a totally random direction. I looked for him every so often on MySpace but to no avail. About a month or two before I left for Sydney, I decided to join Facebook and became totally addicted (like everyone else). For some reason, it wasn't until I was here in Sydney that I decided to search around and see if Henry might be on there. To my surprise... he was! I found him in 3 seconds after 15 years of absolutely no contact. Now the strange part - he lives just a few hours outside of Sydney and has for years BUT he had JUST signed on to Facebook himself right around the time I did. Sooooo amazing!

It wasn't long before we were in touch and decided to meet up. Well, last night Henry and I met for a drink at the Blah Blah Bar. He looks EXACTLY the same (+15 years). It was so amazing! We both just laughed for about 15 minutes but immediately fell into reminiscing mode. We caught each other up on families and our lives but mostly talked about our favorite memories from The Peak and SAS. It still blows my mind that we were sitting there - catching up. We even started telling this random lady next to us about our story - she was impressed. :)

So that is the story. We certainly plan to not lose touch again and feel pretty certain we'll be hanging out again some day. Not to sound completely cliche but - what a small world...



dutchesscourtney said...

Yay - technology rocks my socks!! I'm glad you have found each other at last. Oh, and thanks for an awesome plane letter. ;)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.